Monday, February 9, 2009

Why is it?

I have been pondering this all day today. 
I called in and took a PTO day today. Personal Day Off. 
Why? Because I was so overwhelmed at what I didn't get done this weekend that I felt that I needed a week day to get everything accomplished. 
I was up, I even had a really cool outfit picked out for work today (of course I did!) I'll just wear it tomorrow. 
So, I looked around at the piles of laundry, the mound of mail/bills, the unfinished tidying that I still haven't gotten to.
That's when I decided, it's Monday, there's nothing pressing going on at work on my calendar so I'm going to tackle all of this. 
So today, I have accomplished rearranging my hall to accommodate THE cabinet that my bestest friend ever picked up for me at the Great Estate Sale on Saturday. LOVE IT!!!!! 
That in turn meant taking down all of my family photos but I redid them on the hall wall and they look even BETTER - if I must say :-) 
Organized the linen and over flow jeans closet, 
sorted and am still in the middle of EIGHT loads of laundry, have the mail separated and will go through that shortly AND I finally got all of my christmas decs down and boxed up! 
Yup, you read correctly - it's not like they were your traditional christmas decorations anyway, I just told everyone they were and it was time that they came down. I don't normally decorate for the holidays. Once I get the office (Baker Associates) done, do the Good Life's window and front section I'm pretty much over the whole season anyway. Then I pack up and head to AZ for the actual holiday. What's the sense in putting anything up? 
My dad normally goes above and beyond. I guess that's where I get that from :-) 

So, I left them up for a little while. Oh well. 
That just means that I need to go out and find something to put in their places until next holiday season. 

So, my overall question today is:
Why is it that you get so much more done when you take a PTO day vs getting it all done in a weekend? 
As well as: Why do I let myself fall so far behind that I need to? 
I dunno, I'm just that way. Plus it jazzes me when I have that much to do in a set time frame that I start to rearrange and redecorate altogether - that's not all bad now is it? Like a house cleaner AND decorator on speed! 
There's also no laundry line - that's nice too. 

Just thought I'd share the usefulness of actually taking today as a PTO Monday. Back to reality (work) tomorrow. 
Let me know when you take one and what you do with it. 

Until tomorrow.....


  1. I personally feel that I'm more productive doing stuff like that when I know there is no one else to deviate my plans. When everyone else is at work I have no excuse not to get stuff done! When have such little time at home that taking a day PTO to do what you did yesterday is absolutely precious and totally energizing! Good for you!

  2. Weekend productivity is directly related to weekend activity, most notably what happens Friday and Saturday night. The laws of physics never lie; for every action there's a reaction. The consequence is that weekends are for rest.

    Now, the bigger issue here is that you had the higher level of sane realization that PTO doesn't need to be kept tucked under the pillow until you're sick or have an emergency that requires using it. Props to you for "calling in well" to work. People should do that more often.
