Monday, March 23, 2009

checking in

So, it seems that I have fallen off the face of would think over to FaceBook, but sadly not. 

I have not had computer time for either, let alone Twitter. Dropped that the day AFTER I started it. There's just SO much to keep up with now a days. Not to sound like an old fart at the ripe old age of 39 but .......

We don't get FB time at work - nor do I blame my employer for that - hello??? We're they're to work, not socialize and reconnect with all of our "friends" and/or classmates from high school or college. Damn, isn't it fun though? 
After I put in a day's work, where's the TIME to do anything else let alone the computer!? There's always something to do afterwards - well for responsible adults anyway :-) So I've heard AND actually participated in: Childcare pick up, child after school/dinner activities, homework, homes, dogs, kids, chores, groceries, cleaning, play dates, running here, running there and being EVERYWHERE without computer time in mind. 

I don't really LIVE with all of those reasons but I know of them! 
My story? Time waster! Hence, the 12:am hr and I find myself doing my  blog usually around this time. 
Granted, I have Oliver. I drop him off in the morning and pick him up after work. We come home, throw the work bag on the table, grab a diet coke and plop down on the couch and turn on the tube. Oh, did I mention that I also grab my computer so I can check emails, check accounts, pay bills and still never get to my blog or FaceBook?? WHY? 
It's so much fun for me, I GET THAT! But when your day is running out of hours and you desperately need sleep, which wins out? It's obvious that Blogging an FaceBook do for me :-) at least tonight they do. Just not on a regular basis which I'm going to work on getting back to! 
It's my chance to reconnect with so many people - FaceBook has changed my life! It's not only networking, but reconnecting, communicating with and even ADDING new friends with the old. I LOVE IT! 
I also love my blog. It's lost a little of the "informative side" that I had initially intended but I'm getting back there - really. I want to share all of the tid bits that I've learned and continue to learn. 
I cant wait to do so with: "My favorite LOCAL artists", "My Home", "My Glasses", and so much more. 
I love talking/writing and whether anyone is out there and reads these rants and raves - thank you - but the thing I like the best about it is that it's a writing outlet for me - something I so enjoy. I'm writing!!!! That's the best part. That, and I truly think it's the excitement of THAT possibility and the fact that I just think (in my head) that I'm a version - I know this is a stretch-  a little Carrie Bradshaw - here is Mpls, looking out -of my WAY TOO SMALL condo bedroom window - at the city, typing nonsensical gibberish, and thinking (knowing) my life is just as cool as hers and I'm just as happy as she was on the show, if not more so knowing that I'm writing, believing in myself, and I too have some pretty frickin cool friends. I'm creative, I'm talented, I have a lot in me and I'm just beginning to scratch the surface of "knowing" who I am. From what I can see, it's going to be a pretty interesting year :-) It's an evolution and every time I write on my blog, it's an inspiration to me. I reread it and if I smile and get something back from it, I post it. If not, I delete, delete, delete and wait for something to come. Obviously, when I start typing, the words just keep coming. These posts have gotten longer and longer too. That's the A.D.D. of course :-) 

As Betty Davis once said: "Fasten your seatbelts. Its going to be a bumpy night!" 

Happy Late Sunday early Monday! This week is going to FLY by! 

Monday, March 16, 2009

The best thing about today?

Is that it's OVER! OMG, I thought today was never going to end. 

After I blogged last eve, figured out today's outfit, and so forth, one would think I'd be exhausted from the recovery weekend and Nurse Oliver and on and on??? Me too! Nope, once I settled in, took my c's, advils, musinex and decongestant...yup, WIDE EYED staring at the ceiling! Until 5:AM!!!!! I thought I was going to die today! Thank god I had the legitimate excuse of being sick all weekend. Whew. 

So, came home took a small nap and dashed off to Michael's for a little of this and a little of that and PRESTO, GAY-O I have a NEW pair of "Irish Jeans" to wear tomorrow! I have actual "Irish genes" but I wanted JEANS to make the outfit for tomorrow. Just took an old pair of jeans that I dug out of the 100 and some pair, turned 'em over, threw the colors of the Irish flag on them, waiting for those to dry and I'll put the finishing touch on them in the morning - "Kiss me, I'm Irish" grosgrain ribbon down the sides. 
PULEASE! Over the Top? None sense - I'm Irish, I'm a fashionista and I'm GAY! Hello? Who else do you think would be able to pull this off as wearable art - aside from my inspirational Jodi Hills - I just didn't have anything other than "Go Irish" to write and I didn't want that across my I just went very "Rothko" with the design. Actually, much more literal, who am I kidding? But still pretty cool for "St Patty's Day Attire" .... plus I have two outfits for the "top" that I can't decide between so I'll take both to work and change into the other at lunch so I can get a wearing out of each :-) 

I'm off to Toast after work. Scott (the owner) is going to make ME something very "Irish" for the occasion. So, I can't wait to report back what that was. He's an amazing cook so I'm sure it will be nothing less than. No green beer though. He said he likes the Irish (he has to - Erin, his wife, IS!) but he draws the line at artificial colorings. I can respect that. I guess I better leave my green food coloring at home that I thought I'd splash into my wine. Oh, fine. I get it. I'm not in Chicago. :-) 
So, with all of that said, fashion dilemmas averted, after work plans in place and transportation home lined up....I only live a half a block away...I bid you adieu this eve of St Patty's. 
Take Care! Be responsible tomorrow and live like you were Irish....I don't know what that means but it sounded profound and it will sound even more profound tomorrow eve. :-) 

See y'all Weds :am at O'Fords! 
Betty will muffins and aspirins for all, along with the usual admissions slips. 

I got it! 
I know what I can write on my my mom always told me:  "if it weren't for bad luck, you'd have no luck at all."  Gotta love those words of wisdom that have shaped our lives into what they are today. 
Or my other favorite - but it's more of a Swedish saying - the other half of my genes....there's  a WHOLE new pair of jeans just waiting to be painted!!!!!  
"Out of the mouths of babes and drunkards comes the truth".....can I get an AMEN for that one? 

Ousta La Visa Baby! 

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Do I dare say? Thank God it's Sunday???

Hell, I just did! Must be the cold medicine that I was forced to DRIVE ALL THE WAY TO TARGET FOR....yesterday..... and today! :-) Woohoo! Feelin much better! And I owe it all to Target AND Visa! Woohoo!!!!!!! 

Friday totally kicked my A**! Saturday wasn't much better but like I realized in talking to my parents, the only thing for me to do when I get sick is to sleep! I have since childhood and that's how my mom knew I was never faking it. I actually thought my mom was going to volunteer to fly up to take care of me...then Oliver woke me up to go outside! Or to see if I was breathing.... I forget which, but I guess it was all a dream! Or was coming was anyway :-( 

Feeling MUCH better today. Actually felt better once I got out and got to Target - yes, subconsciously or whatever you want to call it, just pulling into that big parking lot with the bulls eye high in the sky, I knew relief was just a cart and a few aisles away. 
Of course, then I needed this and that and one of these things and being that I was in such a hurry to get Advil and Tylenol, I of course forgot the heating pad so where did I find myself today? Yup, I know I'm on the mend when I'm taking cold medicine to make me coherent enough to get to Target and back!!!!!!! 

So that was the extent of my "weekend", two trips to Target, had to stop into Home Depot being that it's right next door and I needed some potting soil - like that couldn't wait.... does anyone think I got to those plants yesterday or today - I think not. But boy it sure felt good getting something accomplished....I mean stimulating that economy. 
Did we go there today or yesterday??? Who cares, like I said, "Thank God it's Sunday, and I'm not even religious." 

So much for my canine bedside nurse! 

Let me review with you Oliver's version of bedside care: 
1. Let's LAY on the patient's chest so it improves breathing! (not!) 
2. Let's lean in REALLY close and start licking patient's face IF breathing. Yup! He's breathing alright. Licky! Licky Licky! "Just checking patient. You're always asleep so how was I to know?"
3. To ensure that patient is not resting too much, let's push "rat" or "guinea" in his face. He should be up exercising, (aka playing with me!) not all of this sleeping! Please! Sleep is for the weak! (Thank you Nurse Oliver! Sleep is just what "I" had ordered!) 
4. In the midst of all of this "medicinal sleepage" Oliver decides that he now thinks he has to relieve himself and if patient doesn't want him to do so in condo - HE better get patient up....NOW! 
So, what better way to let him know than to walk all over patient's head! then jump down off of resting bed and shout to him! In the highest, most piercing emergency bark possible. 
Oh, good the patient gets up, gets dressed, takes Oliver outside thinking that Oliver really has to go....
at least he PIDDLED outside! Not peed, not tapped a kidney or experienced a laborious bowel movement..... nope, JUST PIDDLED! 
At least Oliver knows how to get patient out of bed next time! You never know when it's going to mean something and Oliver would HATE to ruin patient's hardwood floors with urine SO patient knows that he HAS to listen to Oliver's bathroom pleas......see, being a bedside care giving nurse isn't all that hard after all. If Oliver can do it, so can any of you pets :-) 
Let me know when you're ill, I'll gladly volunteer Oliver's services. 

Did I mention that Nurse Oliver 
5. doesn't allow phone usage in bed either? 
Nope, crawls right up in my face, stands, stretches on my chest, licks my face and as soon as I start to converse, tries to give me mouth to mouth. "Not in this care giving facility Mr Patient and Hell no, not on my dime! You don't want to exercise with "rat" or "guinea" when "I" offered, there will be NO phone then while you're sick either! Two can play this game!" 

Then there's 
6. computer time - not as bad as phone time but let me tell you, he know how to push all the wrong buttons and does. Just walks across the keyboard, or plops right down it, why not, it's warm? 

Luckily, for me, I'm felling somewhat better and I've relieved him of his duties as of this evening. 
He's now sleeping off the hard weekend's work on the pillow next to me. 
After I washed all of the sheets, aired this germ infested residence out and cleaned up...some. I was weak, sweating and in need of a diet coke! Did Oliver go get me one? I don't think so. But when I realized I HAD to go to Target to replenish, did I take Nurse Oliver with me? Hell no :-) I ran for it, and he knew it. 
It was a like a nine alarm when I got off of the elevator when I returned. 
You'd think someone was HURTING a dog in the condo or even worse....nope, just Oliver gathering up the neighbors outside of my condo, gettin' everyone wondering what was going on being that they all knew I was sick to begin with, all weekend and sure as crap, if little Nurse Oliver didn't rouse the troops! For what? just to make sure someone would hear him should SOMETHING happen, I'm sure! That and to let me know that I wont be making a run for it again without taking his canine butt with me and I know that NOW!! .....god love the little revenge artist!  

Did I mention, Thank God it's Sunday? I GET to go back to work tomorrow! 
Chew on that one  Nurse Oliver :-) 

 There's still a lot brewin, just a little slower. Didn't get to any of that being that my mind couldn't go anywhere but to sleep. Stay tuned though. You'll see. :-) 

We had the "Last Supper" for the Good Life on Saturday eve too. Talk about a wrist splitter. I mean, nothing against the gesture of the dinner and Anne's Dad and Stepmom picking up the tab for it - the whole staff....but Anne's dad started it with his "toast" and being that I had done nothing but lye in bed all - ooooohhhh wait, I made it to Target yesterday! That's right! I DID DO something productive! - day and think about the POSSIBILITY of preparing something eloquent to say of course. So after he spoke, everyone got to dry their eyes, I of course, as the BEST MAID/MAN of HONOR EVER and carry the certificate with me at all times! - just simply had to stand to say a few words, which made me cry and then everyone else cry and thank god dinner came right after that! Cry, cry, eat, let's do this one more time! Thank god my cold meds starting wearing off and I had to leave...honestly. I guess another round ensued and that's when Jodi and Deb couldn't take anymore and had to leave too. Really, it's ok. Anne is at a good place with this, we all are. It's not the END of something, well, technically yes it is but she's looking FORWARD to her new beginning and with that each of us have a new beginning ahead of us as well. So anyway, just had to throw that A.D.D. moment in there. It's not a "Ken Writing" without them. 

NOW, I'm done! For today. 

THE END! (for Today) 

How do you win getting the last word in when it's just you writing? Who wins? Who gets the last word?! Dang it! 

The End! 

Friday, March 13, 2009

illin' today :-(

What's worse than being sick on a Friday? losing the weekend to recovery!!!! And I'm out Advil AND Tylenol!!!!
What a Friday.

At least nurse Oliver is here to keep me company.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Big things are a  brewin! Just you wait and see! 

I can hardly contain myself! If I were only permitted to say more but I can't let myself because the ideas aren't finessed enough at this point but boy, are they a swillin in my head! It's going to be a FUN spring and summer! 

God, I love the creative!!!! 

I'd mention them all but I don't think I have enough space or time to start with just one! 

I gotta get outta my own head for a while. I can't stop thinking long enough to keep track of the ideas. 

How am I EVER going to get any sleep tonight?  

kayla, anne, susan, westy, julie, amy, wendy, pat, kerry, linda, doug, lori, ben, laura, peter, nicho, sam, oliver, shelby, radar, arlo, elmo, erin, scott, martine, tahira, bob, linda, susie, ben, emily, betsy, rob, jen, melissa, liz, kelly, jen, pam, pamela, heather, heather, tom, mitch, and the list goes on and on and I still can't stop thinking! 

Whew, I better unplug just so I don't fry with the thoughts right now!!!!! 

I'll be back..........

Monday, March 9, 2009

Where did my weekend go?

Isn't it always the fact that weekends fly by? I don't care what you're doing, what you have to do and/or who's coming over.....weekends are never long enough, even if there's a Monday holiday tacked on. 

What bugged me about this weekend is actually a lot. Let's start with Daylight Savings?????? WTF is this??? Why do we have it to being with? Residents in AZ don't have it and they're just fine with productivity, getting up, getting to work and getting the "crops" in. Why is AZ the only state that doesn't have to comply? I'd say I'd like to boycott the change but I'd be late (even more so) for everything around me. 
So, that's my 2¢ worth and that's the big thing that "ruined" my weekend. I was UP an hour later on Saturday night, which I shouldn't have been. I got an hour less sleep on Sunday because Daylight Savings ROBBED me on it AND why is it so early this year??? 

Next on my shortened weekend - The List! Oh well. I'll just have to work on that in the evenings of this week - It's a good visual for what I should be doing :-)

I did get to do a few things on Sat. Picked up the "Essential John Denver" cd at Sam's Club  - I know, I know - you'd never think that I'd be sharing that I went to Sam's for my own and on my own. I saw it there earlier this week when I went for work and for some DUMB reason I found myself driving there to get it on Sat. I was hard up to "avoid" the list.
John Denver? Really Ken? That's so NOT gay but chalk it up to the Nascar fascination too. I haven't told you about MY NASCAR fascination? Yup, it's true. But I'll save that for another day. 
*Ok, I cannot retract it but I have to amend it.  The John Denver cd - yeah, could be misconstrued as "experimental" and very reminiscent of Puff the Magic Dragon....WOW! I don't think I'd leave that on my dash when I go to a Nascar Race........

Ran into the Great Estate and I THINK I found Oliver the best dog hut ever! Julie, I need you to look at it again! 
Think "The Last Emperor" - it's like a miniature Tibetan temple house thingy - roof, four corner columns and a floor. He fits in it perfectly! 

Did brunch at the Seward Cafe with my cuz. Met her bf, nice guy. I had A strawberry/banana pancake because I think it was the only item that didn't have mock this or tofu that. Needless to say, I had a nice time and would go back...but I'd wear my crocs and skip the shower.....not that I'm saying ANYTHING bad here. I'd go back, for real. 
For that kind of service, WHY NOT?! 
You write your OWN order, you bring it up to the register and pay for it when putting YOUR written order in, YOU pick up your own food when the slop chef calls your name AND you bus your table when you're done too. So why so many employees??? It was an experience that is for sure. The tea was really good, did I mention that? 

Then I just laid around all day. Watched some lame movies and didn't do jack all day. No one to blame but myself. 
And I'm resided to that fact and am not going to beat myself up anymore about it. It was an ok day in the end. What can you expect from a Sunday???

Woohoo, tomorrow is Monday! Work with me here! I'm trying to build it up. 

BTW - Happy Bday Miss Ruthie! xoxoxo 

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Where did the week go?

I don't know about y'all out there, but this cowpoke is mighty glad tomorrow is Friday already! 

I thought this week was NEVER going to end but when I think back on it now, knowing that today is Thursday (and THAT'S almost over!) and tomorrow is FRIDAY, where DID my week go? Who cares? I'm just elated that it's over! 

I would like to say that I'm going to be a home body, stay in or around the condo, do laundry, clean up the kitchen, write my thank you notes, sit on FB for the majority of the weekend and watch movies, maybe even get up the energy to tackle the storage room.....WHO THE HELL AM I KIDDING?! That's not going to happen. I have A.D.D. to the enth degree and the attention span of a walnut! I live by lists but I'm constantly making new lists with things that I SHOULD be doing but as I'm writing the lists I find that I'm adding "Great Estate, Room & Board Outlet, Home Depot, Michael's and WHY am I going there? I'm avoiding the things that I SHOULD be doing but when I "run errands" on the weekend to these stores, I'm simply keeping the economy alive (and with what means I ask? I have NO idea!) and creating more "projects" to do when I finally arrive home, unload the car and go through the bags. No worries, because it's now late enough in the afternoon that I have to call Julie to see what she's up to and what she's done with her day. We will undoubtedly end up at Target (again! and this is trip what in 1 week for either of us???) or worse - The Galleria!!!! Then we'll have to go back to her place, peruse the week's new magazines, have a bottle of wine, make a little something to eat and starting "listing" all of the projects we both want to do. Then I'll ask for her computer and we'll both start "surfing" for this or that or inspiration and the lists will just keep going on and on. 
Now it's Sunday and I'm going to freak out about everything that I WANTED to get done and didn't. Panic Mode! 
Frick, I might as well get in my car and go to Home Depot or Target just to make sure that I didn't miss a plant or maybe lighting or something just so I don't have to deal with the ACTUAL list of HAVE TO DO at the condo. 
Who can I call? Who can I "drop in on?" Who's house can I take over and decorate so I don't have to go home and think of my own list?! 
Wow, when you put it writing it doesn't seem so difficult and the reasoning is right here IN FRONT OF ME! 
Oh well. At least I know myself well enough to know that I'm going to be disappointed with myself come Sunday night but tomorrow is Friday, after all. The end of the week! Woohoo!!!! It's going to be 5 o'clock somewhere for sure! 
Then there's the Home & Garden Show this weekend, I'm going to Susie's this weekend sometime too to help fluff an place a few things, let the dogs play and so forth. Then I have to find time to have Wyatt come over and hook up and program all of my Wii stuff so I can, get this one, start working out!!!!!, with my Wii Fit! Really, I am! 
Then I still have to "run errands" and stimulate the economy AND THEN to top the whole weekend off, it's DAY LIGHT SAVINGS!!! Frick! I'm going to LOSE an hour sometime either Saturday night or Sunday when I realize it IS Day Light Savings and I got even less done because now my weekend was shortened by that whole hour AHEAD!!!! 

Where'd that "to do" list go? Might as well read it so I can think to myself I at least did that :-) 

Happy WEEKEND!!!! I'll be back.... especially if it keeps me from my list :-) 

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Blown away!!!!!!

Ok, here it is....
"Ken & Oliver" 
By: Doug Talalla

I just about peed when he gifted this to me earlier in the afternoon last Saturday! 
Doug has made mention of doing this for me over the PAST YEAR, I've been asking about it again and again and I never thought in my wildest dreams it would be this cool, this big and this unbelievable!!!!! I'm frickin FLOORED! 
I'm in disbelief that this is actually FOR ME, OF ME AND MY BOSOM BUDDY, and it's original Doug Talalla art!! 
Thank you Doug! Do you think I think you're talented? I dunno.....KIDDING!!!!!! 

This would be the lovely ad talented Doug Talalla next to me next to the FABULOUS painting!!!!! 
I was lucky enough to not only have my unbelievable painting at my party BUT Toast also allowed me to have four other pieces of Doug's as well.  It was like have my very own private collection gallery showing! 

Piece 2: "cowboy hat" (sold) 

Piece 3: "BIG PEN" - available...checking on price......

Piece 4: "Stud on Dock, Tanning" (that's not what Doug titled it, that's just what I'M calling it :-) 

Piece 5: "Bed in the middle of the woods" 
I am taking a new photo of this one - my original did not turn out :-( 
BUT this is a really cool piece. It's like a dream sequence or something....

I'm trying to talk him into doing a pair of cowboy BOOTS for me....I have a pretty BIG fetish with cowboy boots! I'll show those tomorrow! 

Cool! Cool! Cool! And Talented!!!! Mr Talalla, YOU ROCK!!!!!! 

Interested in Doug's art? Check out Sunday's posting (the one before this) his You Tube and website are listed :-) 
Or you can just let me know and I'll get you in contact with HIM :-) 

I have to go look at the wall where it's going to go now......... 


Sunday, March 1, 2009


Ok, the birthday was Tuesday but the CELEBRATION was last night! 

Whew! What an evening. THank goodness for Sunday and NOTHING to interrupt the recovery process....I mean healing process :-) 

I can't express how blown away I am with my friends. That's why I do this, I throw my own birthday parties as a party for my friends. It's a thank you of sort because I am so grateful and appreciative of all said people in MY life that I get to call "friend". 

This year was a bit different for me. I usually have my soiree's at my house but this year, I wanted to change it up a little. 
I'm relatively new to the neighborhood - just over two years but never do much around here. That's all been changing and I couldn't be happier. 
There is this little restaurant just up the block, Toast. I just love it! I bring everyone there. It' become my little haunt if you will. It's nothing like a chain, it's owned, operated and run by the greatest couple, Scott and Erin. The staff is AMAZING!!! They're so personable. They know so many people by first name and it's so refreshing to just sit in there and OBSERVE them. They're all so genuine, welcoming and they're doing it right. They're doing it like a family and very old school, like you'd expect Uncle Sol to come out and greet you like he knew know what? Scott does that! He can be in the kitchen, waiting tables and he and Erin always stop what they're doing to GREET everyone that comes in. It's now wonder why I have taken such a liking to Toast and Family :-) They're so amazing! 
I love to take friends there. I've even taken a few dates...not that they've amounted to much but they've enjoyed it too and have gone back.... albeit without me but I can't help that and I'm not one to stand in their way, especially if it was me that turned them Toast that is :-) 
I have a standing date with a friend on mine for Tuesdays @ Toast. We don't get to do every Tuesday but it's nice to know that she's my Tuesday date at Toast when time permits. 
I have friends call just to se if I'm going to Toast or if I want to meet them there....OF COURSE I DO! 
So, anyway, back to me, after all, isn't this blog ALWAYS about me? :-)
I was at Toast planning this year's birthday soiree. I always have a theme and I was thinking "Toast" would be the perfect theme. I can just set up a crostini table, a bunch of toppings, and let everyone make their own. Get some Two Buck Chuck, Prosecco, etc, etc. I even went so far as to run my idea and menu by Scott (1/2 of Erin & SCott that own Toast). 
This was starting to add up, fast! The run around time, the set up time, the CONDO cleaning time alone was freakin' me out and the sheer number of invitees. 64 of my friends were not going to fit in my condo! So, the bell went off in my head! Have it at Toast!!!! I ran it by my decision making team of course...Julie, Anne and Kerry & Pat. All three agreed.....yes, I know I listed four people but Kerry & Pat count as one....they know and so does everyone else. It's a big opinion but it's a joint opinion. 
That was that. I was going to have it at Toast. I started thinking about it, planning it, thinking some more, planning more and all of a sudden it was here! 
My friend Doug Talalla painted a portrait of me and Oliver! OMG is it cool! I would include it in today's blog but I think Char absconded with my digital camera....ok, absconded may not be the right word but at least she got it and I didn't forget it at Toast or lose it :-) 
Anyway, back to Doug's portrait! OMG!!! I screamed when he gave it to me yesterday afternoon. It's so frickin cool! I can't wait to show it off to everyone. He's one of my favs too! He knows it but I just like to fawn all over him just because it's so easy. Anyway, Doug was my artist dujour for my soiree last eve. Not only did he do the paint of me and Oliver, but he loaned out four more pieces to create a gallery-esque feel to the half of the restaurant  that I took up. It was amazing! 
Every single one of my friends that showed up, amaze me on a daily basis.... that they're MY friends!!!! :-) I love it! 

I have a lot of talented, VERY talented artist friends and I adore all of them. You'll get to learn more about each of them in the coming weeks as I profile them and their art and why I admire them so :-) 

So, it was a great evening. Erin and Martine took the best care of all of us. Making sure my night was going well and taking care of all of the attendees. Julie did my cupcakes with pics on them and I think, I'm actually pretty sure, EVERYONE had a good time. That's all I can ask, every year, each  year on my birthday. :-) 

*BTW - Toast does events and parties. Just contact Erin at:   She's the bomb and she can help you as little or as much as you want for your gathering/event.
As soon as I get my camera back, I'll be posting photos so everyone can see. 

What a birthday! Thank god I won't be here for next year! 40 is all mine! And I'm hoping to be traveling for it :-) 

Thank you! To all of my wonderful friends! You make me who I am and I am SO grateful to know and have each of you in my life!