Monday, March 16, 2009

The best thing about today?

Is that it's OVER! OMG, I thought today was never going to end. 

After I blogged last eve, figured out today's outfit, and so forth, one would think I'd be exhausted from the recovery weekend and Nurse Oliver and on and on??? Me too! Nope, once I settled in, took my c's, advils, musinex and decongestant...yup, WIDE EYED staring at the ceiling! Until 5:AM!!!!! I thought I was going to die today! Thank god I had the legitimate excuse of being sick all weekend. Whew. 

So, came home took a small nap and dashed off to Michael's for a little of this and a little of that and PRESTO, GAY-O I have a NEW pair of "Irish Jeans" to wear tomorrow! I have actual "Irish genes" but I wanted JEANS to make the outfit for tomorrow. Just took an old pair of jeans that I dug out of the 100 and some pair, turned 'em over, threw the colors of the Irish flag on them, waiting for those to dry and I'll put the finishing touch on them in the morning - "Kiss me, I'm Irish" grosgrain ribbon down the sides. 
PULEASE! Over the Top? None sense - I'm Irish, I'm a fashionista and I'm GAY! Hello? Who else do you think would be able to pull this off as wearable art - aside from my inspirational Jodi Hills - I just didn't have anything other than "Go Irish" to write and I didn't want that across my I just went very "Rothko" with the design. Actually, much more literal, who am I kidding? But still pretty cool for "St Patty's Day Attire" .... plus I have two outfits for the "top" that I can't decide between so I'll take both to work and change into the other at lunch so I can get a wearing out of each :-) 

I'm off to Toast after work. Scott (the owner) is going to make ME something very "Irish" for the occasion. So, I can't wait to report back what that was. He's an amazing cook so I'm sure it will be nothing less than. No green beer though. He said he likes the Irish (he has to - Erin, his wife, IS!) but he draws the line at artificial colorings. I can respect that. I guess I better leave my green food coloring at home that I thought I'd splash into my wine. Oh, fine. I get it. I'm not in Chicago. :-) 
So, with all of that said, fashion dilemmas averted, after work plans in place and transportation home lined up....I only live a half a block away...I bid you adieu this eve of St Patty's. 
Take Care! Be responsible tomorrow and live like you were Irish....I don't know what that means but it sounded profound and it will sound even more profound tomorrow eve. :-) 

See y'all Weds :am at O'Fords! 
Betty will muffins and aspirins for all, along with the usual admissions slips. 

I got it! 
I know what I can write on my my mom always told me:  "if it weren't for bad luck, you'd have no luck at all."  Gotta love those words of wisdom that have shaped our lives into what they are today. 
Or my other favorite - but it's more of a Swedish saying - the other half of my genes....there's  a WHOLE new pair of jeans just waiting to be painted!!!!!  
"Out of the mouths of babes and drunkards comes the truth".....can I get an AMEN for that one? 

Ousta La Visa Baby! 

1 comment:

  1. Where do you get this stuff! Happy St. Pats! Eat some corned beef and cabbage!
