Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Vultures circling?

What is it about death, despair and closing a business that brings out that "vulture" in us? 

I can only speak for myself, but I'm TERRIBLE..... I have no idea where it comes from, my parents are not like this, my brother is not like this - it must come from further down the lines or from youngest child syndrome or something but I'm a vulture, plain and simple and it's terrible! 

I've joked for years with my family that I have masking tape with my name on it on the bottom of things that I "want" from my mom and dad's if and when that time comes. 

The same goes for me helping Anne at The Good Life. Preparing her store for closing and getting the fixtures and merchandise priced for SALE - I'm running around the store like it's burning down and my arms FULL! Of what? WHY? I've helped buy everything in that store and merchandise it so why is it that all of this stuff has a new importance/value to to me? 
I mean, I took a jewelry display apart because we were using a really cool tray and I had to have it.....Did I ever stop to think that  Anne may want it? Nope. I just thought - he who gets his hands on it first, wins! It's inherent - it has to be - because it is so "Incredible Hulk" mind snap that I have no idea where it comes from but I defer to Oliver as well - he's all about "mine, mine, mine". He can be contently playing with ONE toy - that's all he needs anyway - and if Shelby or Carlos even want to go for a completely different toy, Oliver intercepts them, cuts them off and literally seizes ALL of his toys, gathers them up and guards them because no one can have any of his stuff. So, have I instilled this in my own dog? Where did I get it? Does it matter?  You should see the mother load I got from the Good Life :-) and I didn't even need a roll of masking tape and a marker. 

If you get a chance, this vulture has turned back into Ken and am just coping with everyone else leaving The Good Life with bags full of everything else I didn't get. Stop in, there are still plenty of treasures to be had. 
Anne has taken the tape and the marker away from me and it's all for you. My "entitlement" has been checked.