Monday, February 23, 2009

Manny Diaries Day 9 (2/22) Whew! Easy, peasy Sunday!

Ok, after getting to sleep in this morning, it was just Wyatt and me today. 

We had the yummiest junk breakfast. Wyatt had those cinnamon toast waffle things AND a bowl of cereal. 
I decided I wanted those cinnamon toast waffle things too AND some of the YUMMY banana bread that we (M, P and me) decided to make around 12:am because P found the bananas in the refrigerator. Like I had anything to do with that or knew why!! I tried to explain that I don't cook, therefor I don't shop...AT A GROCERY STORE!  :-) 
Turned out amazing! Thanks god Julie keeps a stocked pantry - whatever that means. 

Wyatt was already up running between the floors of the house...watching cartoons on one tv, playing Wii in the tv room and coming up every 15 minutes to inquire when I was getting up. It was 10:am after all. If he only knew that I could go til noon on Sundays!!!!!! 

We decided that we were going to run to Ikea but never made it. 
We went to Target and Best Buy instead. I'm totally addicted to Wii now and I had to find a couple games that I remembered my brother had. Another bowling game - yes, now I have three different bowling games BUT THEY'RE DIFFERENT!!! Wyatt even agrees with me! 
And "Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?". Ran between a couple different ones. 
Saw a few different ones at Target but then I was told to check out Best Buy because they were cheaper. They were on the bowling game...$9.99 but $10 MORE on AYSTA5G? So I had to run back to Target. Running back into Target I saw Annie Lennox: Greatest Hits Collection so I thought I needed that too. (BTW - VERY GOOD!) It's nice to have all of those great songs on one cd. 

Came home, cleaned up the house (again! - does it ever end?) Took another late afternoon nap. Got up, threw together some food for dinner. Checked the back pack for everything and double checked that homework was on schedule. 
The spelling list was evidently a little difficult because they have the same list this week. But a new worksheet. No worries on our end. We've already covered all of it anyway. Spelling the word, knowing the definition of said words and using them in a sentence. I should've been a teacher!!!! 
So, Wyatt thought he was good to go. I didn't think the same way. 
K: "I don't think so kiddo. you haven't gone through these words since last week and I know how you are....out of sight, out of mind."
W: (scrunched up face, turning his head sideways and ... "But Ken, they're not due until Friday! Promise." 
K: "Great! Then we have all week to practice! I'm going to take this list to work and make copies for every night this week. We'll start tomorrow." 
W: "That's not fair. And besides, my mom is home on Tuesday! (Like he's just found the "get out of home work card" with that statement. 
K: "You're right. And do you think that she won't pick up where I leave off? She's going to think this a great idea for you! You know she and I think more alike than you know." 
W: "ahhhhh, Ken!" But I'll just tell her that I know them. 
K: "That's great! But I'm going to tell her to have you SHOW her that you know them :-)" 
W: "Want to play that new Wii game from today?" 
K:  "Nice try Kid! Yes, but not until we get you situated for tomorrow and we're done with everything for the day and tomorrow :am." 
W: "Well, are we done then? Come on." 

So, we put AYSTA5G? in and had a blast! I was really surprised because it wasn't a game game to him. It was like a learning session to hi, After all he's 11 so he's in the prime of all of it! I didn't think we were going to be on that as long as we were and remembered that the Oscars were on!!!!! DOH!!!! 
Wii time was now over. Sorry Wyatt. 
We both sat and watched them. We both thought it was sheer robbery that "The Dark Knight" did not win for makeup and a few others. We were super excited the Heath won for Supporting Actor.
Then it was bedtime for Bonzo - I mean Wyatt - and he had no qualms going up tonight. He knew that is had been a long weekend and was tired. 

OH!!!!! I forgot!!!!! He lost a tooth last night!!!!!! What's the protocol for out of town mom's? Can I stand in? What's The whole believability  tooth fairy thing for an 11 yt old? What's the going rate for a tooth? Do I just hand it to him at this point? 

I'm finally heading to bed. 
Sweet Dreams 

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