Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Is anyone out there? Hello?

Is ANYONE out there? Aside from Max and Mandy? 

I know I like blogging because I get to "barf write" all the time but I feel like I'm "Blogging In Space" 
No one ever writes back or posts to anything and so many of you are targets of my blogs.....did I say Targets? I didn't mean that but speaking of Target, I need to go there tomorrow. I was there today but I had a specific timed mission and couldn't was about a recovering going into a liquor store, seeing and not touching a damn thing! PAINFUL I tell ya. 

Anywho, So Hump Day is now almost over and tomorrow is THURSDAY! Woohooo! 
What is it about Thursday that we think of it as equal to Xmas eve? Like Fridays are Xmas! The end of the week, the weekend (albeit WAY too short) follows??????
We live our lives looking forward to getting through the week. 
Monday - Really? Are they always as bad as we make or prepare them to be? WHy? We work because we have to! We work TODAY because we can and WE HAVE JOBS! Lucky us. 

Tuesday - like I said yesterday - I think Tuesday gets a bum wrap - it's a good solid day! Monday is OVER, we have a new day and the next day Is Hump Day - the mid mark to our work weeks. 

Wednesday, aka "Hump Day" - Midpoint of the week, is your glass half full or half empty - meaning, is your work week half over or half started? Who cares, at Wednesday, we ALL start counting the hours to Thursday which leads into Friday. 

So, that brings us to Thursday - What is so big about Thursdays? To me, it's just a let down day that there's STILL one more day to the work week which is Friday. What doe people find so pre-emptive about Thursdays that everyone goes out for Happy Hour, lives it up a little (sometimes too much) and for what? You still have to get up and go to work the next day and LIVE through it - just to do the same thing all over again on FRIDAY night!!!!! 

Now that brings us to......FRIDAY!!!!!!! Wooohoooooy! It's Friday!!!!!! Where does TGIF come from? Why do ALL of us subscribe to this way of thinking? Yeah, so what!? It's the end of the work week....I get that but if you knew what I had to do every weekend - which I'm looking for a new part time job anyone...... does it ever stop? 

When does one day of the week mean anything different from the next? 
Ok, were at the weekend, so what? If you're like me, this is the time to exercise the "free time" to do "freelance" work and or a side job - especially in today's economy. Mama needs some discretionary income to do and buy and fulfill my needs and wants and there's not much there to do so! I'm tired! I'm spent - physically not literally. 

Where did Saturday go? Who cares? I never remember that day anyway. It's gone in a blink before I even know it. 

That closes the week with Sunday.....OMG!!!!! Get out the prescription drugs. Just like when I was in school (all of those years) Sunday is "DREAD DAY"! I get the blues, I get anxious, I start thinking of everything that I SHOULD HAVE done and there is NOTHING that curbs the fact that I need ONE MORE DAY to my weekend to get even MORE done and I don't have it! Frick! TOMORROW IS MONDAY! and the cycle starts all over again. 

No wonder the pharmaceutical industry is doing so well with anti-anxiety meds and depression pills - we build ourselves up all week long and let ourselves down over the weekend and DREAD the following week. What if the days of the week didn't exist? Where'd we be then? Any happier? Would we know when to work and not work? Would we have the same anxieties? Maybe I just need to plan all of my PTO time for Mondays and face the work week starting on Tuesday....nah, then I'd be really f'd up! Now I have a new perspective on Mondays....if I can past those, the rest of the week should be a breeze! 

Slumber awaits and tomorrow is day closer to Friday. Nope, my thought patterns still haven't changed. 
Can't wait for Friday! (the day AFTER tomorrow) 


  1. I'm here ken... Keep it going.I love what you write. Wish I could do it as well as you do!

  2. Ken, did you know that Tuesday tends to the most productive day of the week? Just another tidbit to add to your why Tuesdays should not get a bum wrap list!

  3. Ken,
    I am reading and enjoying - just do not always have anything to add to your rambling eloquence. There does that make you feel better?

    I have always loved Thursdays. I think it is the anticipation of the weekend and knowing that Friday is the "tie up the loose ends and wind down" day which to me is comforting.

    Rather than partying on Thursday evenings I have made a habit of checking off some of my "to-do's" and using that energy surge to take some of the pressure off of the weekend being too chore oriented.

    From an older perspective ... you do get to the mind set that ALL days are good!

  4. I used to dislike sundays...cuz of the whole Monday thing...but since I have been working retail for 7 years and generally work Saturday - I now love Sundays. Try working Saturday and it changes your perspective!
