Sorry everyone - that is IF there is anyone reading dad has bloggers block so he put me in charge for a day or two. Now it's doggy blog!!!!!
Hi everyone, I'm Oliver - God's gift to earth, My papa and everyone else. I'm the best dog ever!
I know how to sit, lay and Jackson Five....that's the cutest - you should see me do that one. I stand on my hind legs, twirl around and am the cutest thing ever. I also wipe my feet when I come in from outside. I only do it for dad though. It's funny when he tries to get me to it for people and I just look up at him and look like "what are you asking me to do?"
He can be so dense sometimes, but that's between us.
A little about me....
I'm the cutest, snuggliest dog around. I love to sleep in and when my dad gets up, I just lay on his pillow because it's so nice and warm - aside from when he drools - that's gross then I just snuggle down into the covers.
I go to doggy day care every day at my auntie Anne's and cousin Shelby - he's the bestest big cousin ever - but he doesn't play that much as he's a senior citizen and I'm kinda hyper for him.
I have great friends -
Elmo, Arlo and Radar.

Elmo actually started crying when my dad introduced us and said that i was now his new puppy in his life. Sorry Mo, didn't mean take your spot but I'm glad that I got my dad for my dad :-)
We love to play together. Elmo is a little old, deaf and blind but we still manage to get him going :-) Friends until the end!
But when Arlo and I get together - watch out! Just because I'm small doesn't mean I'm not tough! Right Arlo?

Then there's this girl I've been seeing about a year and a half. She's pretty special to me.

Me and Bella on our first date at Chiang Mai Thai - They allow dogs in the summer time on their patio. My dad and I go there a lot in the summer.
Her name is Bella and she's my main squeeze. She's pretty tight with my dad too. He thinks he's the dog whisperer II and that's fine if HE wants to think that but we all know differently :-)
The other chica that I can't live without is my litter mate/sister Lucy. She's the reason that I even came about with my Papa. Had Nancy not gotten Lucy first and had my dad come over and meet her...well, I'm here and that's a whole other story for another time.
Also, more close friends and my party "animals" are:
Lucy, Emmy, Carlos and Bo. When we get together - watch out. It's a doggy blast!

Oh, the list of friends doesn't stop there either.
I have to tell you about my Yorkie Peeps, Welsley and William (brother and sister) and totally cool. They taught me how to swim. There's a video and we'll have to post that too. Later, when my dad figures more of this blog stuff out :-)

They're super cool too. They've been to Chiang too. It's nice when there are great places like that where "we're" allowed.
This is My cousin Beau, from AZ
Statues that Papa bought grammy and grampa to remind them of me & Beau - great likenesses huh?
Ok, so that's just a little about me. I'm sure there will be more. After all, I am the only child :-)
Later alligators
Oh my gosh...those dogs are so darn cute - need to get some photos of shelby up - I'll try and send some. Oliver sure has a host of friends. Love it!
ReplyDeleteAuntie Anne