Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Manny Diaries day 3 (2/16)

Ahhhh, what a way to start the week - with a day off and that day is Monday! 

Wyatt and I both slept in. I was until 9:00 and Wyatt was until 9:30. 
Breakfast - which I never do but how can I turn Apple Jacks down? Wyatt had mini waffles so it was a good morning all around. 
Fed the dogs, got dressed and we headed out. 
We were going to go to the Science Museum but the movie part didn't run until 3:00 so we decided we'd go to "Hotel For Dogs" - actually a very cute movie. I think there were a total of seven of us in the whole theater :-) 
After that, we thought we'd head over to St Paul to the Science Museum. Ummmm, yeah, when there is no school and/or it's a "Day Off" holiday - where do you think all the parents go? DUH! So we waited in line, discussed the pros and cons of staying and just doing the exhibits and not the movie but we decided that we'd do everything on Saturday! Thinking ahead, I stayed in line and bought the tickets for everything AHEAD of time :-) I'm catching on, slowly but surely. 
What to do now? Well, we went home, let the dogs out and picked up where we left off with the "Wii Off". That didn't last long before I suggested going to Target....I needed to buy something that I could play....Bowling!!!!!! 
Plus, Wyatt loves Target as much as I do. 
Picked up bowling and then another one with multiple games like horseshoes, yard darts, skill ball and so on. Had a blast! BUT it was a school night and we had to prepare for Tuesday. At 9:00, we called it a day, Wyatt got ready for bed and I got on the computer/facebook. 
The week is off to a good start. Hope yours is too.

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