It IS the HALF WAY mark to Julie's RETURN!!!!
I thought today was Wednesday. Damn Monday holidays. As much as I like them for the beginning of the week, I never know what day I'm on by Thursday!
Woke up REALLY early today, thought I'd let the dogs out and lay back down....DUMB! I should know better. I'm like, "what's ten more minutes?" Yeah, but those ten minutes turned into an HOUR! I shot up, adrenaline pumping, freaking out that we REALLY over slept - the whole time not realizing that I'm not THAT far behind.....rush to get Wyatt up. He goes down to get breakfast, turns on the tv (of course) is eating here and there, when he can tear himself away from the tv that is, and I'm flinging dog food into bowls and trying to remain calm that we're on a TIGHT time frame this morning! Chop, Chop Pork chop!!!!!
Today IS Thursday so I'm frantically trying to go through all of the notes from Julie to see what I need to do or know. Ok, it's gym day...I get that. What does that mean though?
I'm like, "Wyatt, what do you need for Gym Day?"
He's like, "Tennis shoes"
And I'm like, "Where are they?"
and he says, "On my feet!"
And I ask: "You can wear street shoes for gym shoes?"
He answers: "Yeh, they're tennis shoes aren't they?" No time to argue - works for me.
I'm starting to REASON with 11 yr old logic!!!!!!
Run down the list:
Do you have your home work? Y
Do you have your keys? Y
Do you have gloves?
W: "Why?"
K:" Ummmm, because it's 23º outside!"
W: "yeh, so? We wont be going out for recess."
I ponder this, as if there is SOME LOGIC to it and finally realize, NOT!
K: "You need gloves."
W: "I don't have any."
K: "Well take these purple ones." (They're regular androgynous ski gloves!!!!)
W: "They're my moms!"
K: "Too Bad, they'll keep your hands warm! "
Wyatt begrudgingly took them and put them in his backpack.
1 for Ken!
Why the debate? It's friggin cold out there! Why try to create a case for NOT wearing the damn gloves?
OMG! I'm sounding like MY mother. Mom, I'm sorry for all of those times. I get it!
No, he's not my kid but I'm learning everything in bits and pieces and dang, if you weren't RIGHT!
There I said it! All of you should say it too! If you haven't already realized it....MOTHER'S KNOW BEST! Even when we don't think we're absorbing their invaluable lessons and tid bits as children, they're THERE!
Albeit subconcieously, she's made her mark and SHE is EVERY mother out there. Daughters or sons - they've INGRAINED themselves in our psyches!
Thank you mom. After all that, at least I'm a good babysitter :-)
So, back to Wyatt and me...
There's that dang ADD again. If I could just stick to one thought without digressing - that wouldn't be much fun now would it? I'd never be able to share how I got to the MAIN point of my ramblings without all of the little side stories. Much like my commute to takes a lot of side streets to get you to the highway (of life) and to work! :-)
I actually MADE dinner tonight.
Not just opening the freezer and putting something in the microwave or going somewhere to buy PREPARED foods...I made ORANGE CHICKEN.
Granted, all I had to do was take the box out (of the freezer), open it, put the sauce (without opening it) in a bowl of warm water to defrost - done.
Take a "skillet" - what the h is a skillet? Why not just say "frying pan"?
Anyway, threw some oil in there...which I could not find. Looked high and low and in every cupboard in the kitchen....I found a new bottle in the pantry and thought, Oh well, I guess I'm the first to open the new bottle.
By the way, when I went into the pan cupboard again, what did I find? not one but THREE different bottles and types of OIL!!!!!! DOH!!!!
Turned on the burner, waited for that to warm up and it said to put the chicken pieces in when warm.
Ok, oil doesn't bubble like water or change or give you a "sign" when it's, when I put the chicken in....splishhhhhhhh sploooshhhhhh, crackle.....crishhhhhhhhhhh, SPRAY all over....The dogs ran for cover, I'm thinking that the oil overspray is going to ruin my sweater and jeans AND now I have to RE-CLEAN the entire kitchen because there is so much oil overspray! The cleaning lady was just here YESTERDAY! Dang it!
Anyway, I get the chicken pieces in, cover and let them cook for a few minutes.....come back to stir it up and they're all stuck to the "skillet" - which I'm going to call a damn frying pan! Argghhhhh, and people wonder why I don't cook anything but pizzas? Stir 'em up and they looked just fine :-)
God GIFTED me with the ability to decorate, accessorize and throw great parties...not dinner parties by any means - appetizer parties! Did y'all see Mermaids? W/ Cher! Well that's me, but up it a couple notches.
I'm rambling, I know.
So dinner actually turned out pretty good. Nothing burnt and Wyatt was content with it. He even complimented me that it tasted like "chicken" - so, to Target's Market Pantry, good job in the R&D dept and fooling the 11yr old!
It looked like chicken, it "tasted" like chicken but was it REALLY chicken?????
Homework went well too. Wy has a spelling test tomorrow and we've been studying for TWO nights - and studying my way. He doesn't like that. It's too hard. We'll see. I'm hoping for 90% or better, or he better not come home! Kidding!
O! O! I forgot to mention....We're having a sleep over tomorrow night! I have no idea what that entails but we went to the grocery store tonight to stock up on munchies and bevies... AND I bought a new Wii game......
"Calvin Tucker's Redneck Jamboree - 12 Redneck Inspired Events!" Now THAT sounds like fun!!!!!!!
We're Urban, I know. Maybe even a little "Inner City" if you will. "Bring it" is on the movie docket too! I'll explain everything the only way "Ken" can........ Rural doesn't necessarily mean "redneck" ........ and Edina doesn't count rural Suburban? Hell yeah! Watertown on the other hand..... need I say more?
Woohoo! Tomorrow's FRIDAY!
It's a great read Ken!! Have a good sleep-over!
ReplyDeleteI love that it reads like you talk!! :) Cheers