So, I was asked to come BACK and give a class on "Wardrobing & Styling 101" PLUS! It was such a hoot last year - "Why not?"
Once we were able to get a date, reschedule that, cancel that, reschedule again, take a day off - hey, I needed to prepare and "that" crowd is NOT easy! - I finally made it there today! I'm glad it worked out for Monday vs Friday, definitely more attentive - perhaps.
I got up REALLY early today to start getting everything together...
references: Periodicals vs books, Metro, Details, Mpls/St Paul, Vanity Fair...
my "vocab" sheet - yup, I even created a "vocab sheet" for these kids... "trend, basic, foundation, icon, style, etc...."
my favorite "style" books: Channel, Audrey, Ralph, Kevin A, Manolo,
Quotables from Patricia Field, SJP, Coco, Tim Gunn, Rachel Zoe, my mom...etc
I already had the "outfit" picked out yesterday - of course and six other coordinates to break apart, change out and intermix...after all I was trying to explain how to create and build on basic wardrobe essentials....

On the extras: I only took five ties and five pair of glasses :-) I thought THAT was packing light!
I was REALLY feeling prepared this morning. Good night's sleep, great ensemble, organized, etc.
I had the 10:am class so I left at long could it take to get to Burnsville at that hr anyway??!!
The whole morning went to _____ as soon as I started to drive!
I had forgotten to take my speaking notes!
I had forgotten to take location info - such as ROOM #, hallway, parking guidelines,
I had forgotten to take my "Check-in" information and requirements!
And panic started to kick in because most of all I had forgotten my MN ID!!!
To calm down, take my mind off of the "forgotten" as I'm driving, I decide to call my mom - who's more calming than mama-la?
in the 80's as "I" remember her :-)

"Ok, then" Why did I do this? :-)
Mama-la: "Hi there. How ya feelin? Whatchya doin? How waz yer wknd? Whatchya do?
I give her a rundown of my weekend, get hers, "why haven't I called sOOner?" Why are you calling at this hr? Is something wrong?"
"Dad and I are wokin on that rummage sale with Charles and Liz... I was called to work on Friday and Sat and I don't know how your dad and Charles are going to do this"
"Do what?"
"Run the rummage sale"
"It's just a rummage sale - not an end of season clearance sale at Dillards. I'm sure they'll do fine."
"I don't know. You know those two"
"Hey, there isn't anything in there that "I'd" want is there?"
"God no - this is just your father's crap that he's picked up "rummaging" himself. It's time he got rid of this ____!"
I love my mom! She just tells it the way it is and that IS the way it WILL be :-)
I tell her what I'm doing this moring and WHY I was calling at this, that meant I had to tell her I took the day off "Now Why would you go and do that?" "Are you sure you can do that?"
"That's what PTO/vacation is for."
"You just better make sure. I don't want you getting in trouble at work. You know how important a job is - any job."
"I am Mama-la. It's all good."
"Ok, then."
All I wanted to do was say hi and kill time on my way to Burnsville! Now, I'm even more flustered, trying to "remember" how to get to the high school so I ask my mama-la if I can let her go and I'll call her back afterwards...
"Ok, then. Good luck. Have a good morning at school Love you" - I am immediately brought back to 1986
It is now 9:52 :am and class starts at 10:05.... somethings NEVER change!
However - everything else DOES!
You can no longer "walk in to" the high school. Things have changed in the past year... A LOT!
I have to follow signs that are created with "clip art" and a format that "I" don't even understand - I don't think they're "Mac" based - and I mean Apple vs the cosmetics! :-) that say: "Use this door after this hr" "Stand here to be buzzed in" and when I pull on the door handle - because I have a garment bag and (really cool recycled feed/billboard signs tote from Anne) an over the shoulder book holder that is large enough to put 9 pair of shoes - boxed, on end...
I feel like an intruder trying to BREAK IN TO school.
The door didn't click in time, the woman in the glass office, in control of the buzzer is looking out at me like:
"Who or what the hell are you doing?" and finally I catch the right buzz and walk in.
Me: "Hi. (smiley face) I'm Ken O'Brien and I'm here for Ms so & so for the 10:am Fashion Class.....
"State issued ID"

Me: "I, I actually "forgot" that
Warden: Looks up at me...
Let me set this scenario:
I am 6'2" tall, bald(ish), 5 o'clock shadow at all times, wearing a suit, arms loaded with crap, smiling, knowing that "I" am running late, in a hurry because I do NOT want to be caught "navigating" the halls between bells because it's a SWARM of high schoolers....
Warden is... maybe all of 5' tall but she is sitting down at the desk, BLONDE hair - that can only from a bottle and that would HAVE TO BE PEROXIDE!, BIG glasses on the end of her tiny little nose, which she is looking over them, up at me as a only a Yorkie would a Great Dane.... size does NOT matter or intimidate her!
Her hair is curled back and slightly "feathered" and I ALMOST recall a comb holding back on one side....
Still, I smile politely and explain....
I know Ms so&so told me to bring that but I actually forgot. However, I did have my passport in my car!
And I hand that over VERY proud that I had at least THAT for identification.....
Warden: Your what?
me: "My passport".
me - in my mind: Those little blue booklet things that are issued by the FEDERAL government - not just the state which out ranks my DL.
Warden: I don't know if that will work.
Takes my passport, I watch her try to put it INTO the scanner - which it is obviously too large to do - and I immediately see this does not make her happy.
She is ACTUALLY going to have to TYPE my information in vs "scan" it. OH NO!
It is now 10:am and I decide to set my stuff down on a chair... and I turn back around to see how her progress is coming...
Warden: "Oh, that's why I recognize your name"
Me: in my head - OH CRAP! are we related? Does she know my cousins that live in B'ville? What?! I don't recognize her AT ALL!"
Warden: "You were supposed be here last Friday!" and looks up at me with this little grin like "I'm" off a day or week?!
Me: "Yes, I was supposed to be but plans changed and I'm here today. Didn't Ms so&so let you know that?"
Warden: "Yes, I believe she did but I just remembered your name...." hands me "hall pass" and buzzes the door!
Me: I don't even have my stuff gathered up yet and I feel like I'm trying to "beat the clock" as buzzes the door!!!!
Warden: "Over at that white pillar, take a left, down the hall til it "T's", another left, down the "ramp" and keep going. Do not stop at the hallway, it's after that.
OMG! I feel like I'm sprinting down the halls now, hugely unimportant "visitors" pass that luckily doesn't want to stick to my crepe wool suit and gratefully - my mind is photographic and "I" recall the way to the classroom from last year and make it in plenty of time BEFORE the bell rings and I'm surrounded by the student body and the class!

Wait until I get INTO the class!!!!
Next post to follow!
LOVE the Tom Cruise photo. I laughed right out loud!!!
ReplyDeleteSince when is any mom relaxing? Ha ha ha...
Ken, you are so durn funny! LOVE THE BLOG!
Julie J