Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Manny Diaries 2010 Friday- part two "Only in Edina"

Ok, gotta finish Friday before I can cover the weekend - and that was a breeze!
It's everything that has transpired since then!!

Friday, Feb 5 "Only in Edina"

Ok, if any of you "know" me, Y'ALL know I'm all about "The Clothes!" Maybe sad for some but not me. Clothes DO make the first impression. Clothes CAN change the person (or the image thereof). Clothes CAN give you warmth safety. Clothes can even get you laid....HELLO?! Ok, not in "my" case but Why do think they have Frederick's, Victoria's? Reality! I'm just trying to say "Clothing play a VERY large part in all of our lives!"

AND, NO OTHER place is THAT more evident than in the Edina School system.... Abercrombie, Juicy, Rock & Republic, Chip & Pepper, Marc Jacobs, Dolce, Louis.... and this is the MIDDLE SCHOOL - grades 6-9!!!
HOWEVER - NONE of these brands even come close to the overwhelming, over marketed, over saturated, limited skus (items offered) and such a lack luster color pallet - WHO on earth can wear Kelly Green aside from drunken Irish and Irish wannabe's on St Patty's Day??!!! And WHY??!!! Than the EDINA SCHOOL SYSTEM and their very own LOGO wear?!!!!!!!
Julie TRIED to warn me!
I spent last year "grooming" Wyatt: Khakis, NICE jeans, an array of polo shirts and an array of long sleeve t's - as "uniform" for him. He actually wore Converse tennis shoes too.
coercing , bribing, convincing him that you should CARE about the way that you present yourself to your peers and classmates..... BREAK THROUGH! So I thought! Julie was even impressed when she returned last year and he KEPT dressing like that......
OMG - NOT this year!
It's EDINA WEAR! Hoodies - multiples!...in case one gets dirty (God forbid) in black and that lovely shade of Kelly Green, winter hats - again, the SAME two color offerings and we can't forget the simple T's, long sleeve T's, and I can only image what else is in that store. Which happens to be the only RETAIL establishment reporting PROFIT last year!
THEN, in addition to these "sweats" and I don't mean chocolates - I mean "S-wets" are the track pants and/or "athletic" pants that HAVE to be worn together... AS AN OUTFIT! TO SCHOOL!!! Where have we gone wrong with this children!? So young, so moldable, and this is what they PICK?!
Julie - you need to take Wyatt out of the "Edina School System" - I don't care what is "socially associated" with the suburb OR it's school system - if "Edina Wear" is all that worn - do you want him to look and dress like the donor the REST OF HIS LIFE? Tell me NO! Let me get him a little suit or at least a black blazer to go with jeans and a printed t or something!!!!

So, anyway - that was my "finishing" thought for Friday.
And no, not even offering to take him jean shopping and BUYING him a NEW pair -would Wyatt concede to or change his School Attire - damn school spirit!

Now for the weekend!

Manny Ken

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