I have not had computer time for either, let alone Twitter. Dropped that the day AFTER I started it. There's just SO much to keep up with now a days. Not to sound like an old fart at the ripe old age of 39 but .......
We don't get FB time at work - nor do I blame my employer for that - hello??? We're they're to work, not socialize and reconnect with all of our "friends" and/or classmates from high school or college. Damn, isn't it fun though?
After I put in a day's work, where's the TIME to do anything else let alone the computer!? There's always something to do afterwards - well for responsible adults anyway :-) So I've heard AND actually participated in: Childcare pick up, child after school/dinner activities, homework, homes, dogs, kids, chores, groceries, cleaning, play dates, running here, running there and being EVERYWHERE without computer time in mind.
I don't really LIVE with all of those reasons but I know of them!
My story? Time waster! Hence, the 12:am hr and I find myself doing my blog usually around this time.
Granted, I have Oliver. I drop him off in the morning and pick him up after work. We come home, throw the work bag on the table, grab a diet coke and plop down on the couch and turn on the tube. Oh, did I mention that I also grab my computer so I can check emails, check accounts, pay bills and still never get to my blog or FaceBook?? WHY?
It's so much fun for me, I GET THAT! But when your day is running out of hours and you desperately need sleep, which wins out? It's obvious that Blogging an FaceBook do for me :-) at least tonight they do. Just not on a regular basis which I'm going to work on getting back to!
It's my chance to reconnect with so many people - FaceBook has changed my life! It's not only networking, but reconnecting, communicating with and even ADDING new friends with the old. I LOVE IT!
I also love my blog. It's lost a little of the "informative side" that I had initially intended but I'm getting back there - really. I want to share all of the tid bits that I've learned and continue to learn.
I cant wait to do so with: "My favorite LOCAL artists", "My Home", "My Glasses", and so much more.
I love talking/writing and whether anyone is out there and reads these rants and raves - thank you - but the thing I like the best about it is that it's a writing outlet for me - something I so enjoy. I'm writing!!!! That's the best part. That, and I truly think it's the excitement of THAT possibility and the fact that I just think (in my head) that I'm a version - I know this is a stretch- a little Carrie Bradshaw - here is Mpls, looking out -of my WAY TOO SMALL condo bedroom window - at the city, typing nonsensical gibberish, and thinking (knowing) my life is just as cool as hers and I'm just as happy as she was on the show, if not more so knowing that I'm writing, believing in myself, and I too have some pretty frickin cool friends. I'm creative, I'm talented, I have a lot in me and I'm just beginning to scratch the surface of "knowing" who I am. From what I can see, it's going to be a pretty interesting year :-) It's an evolution and every time I write on my blog, it's an inspiration to me. I reread it and if I smile and get something back from it, I post it. If not, I delete, delete, delete and wait for something to come. Obviously, when I start typing, the words just keep coming. These posts have gotten longer and longer too. That's the A.D.D. of course :-)
As Betty Davis once said: "Fasten your seatbelts. Its going to be a bumpy night!"
Happy Late Sunday early Monday! This week is going to FLY by!