What's REALLY in my closet?
So much more than what made it into the Strib article. To no one's fault except limited space, there was much more to the content and the means to why "my" closet.
I wanted to call out local businesses that I rely on and use on a regular basis just to maintain my obsession.
I wanted to share pointers on how to care for all of these pieces - it didn't make it in the article but I have a pair of shoes that must be 18 yrs old and you'd never know by looking at them today. I am still getting compliments on them and I owe that to my shoe wizard, Bob's Shoe Repair in Wayzata.
Did you know that out of the 35 pair of glasses that I have at least nine of them are "readers" from EyeBobs (www.eyebobs.com) that I had lenses put into? And I have three pair of vintage glasses that I found at an Antique shop years ago. It's a much "thriftier" way to get glasses, maintain an updated and fashionable appearance and not go broke doing so. Also, I've collected these glasses over thirteen years - since I became eligible for Flex Spending through my benefits package at work.
Is my wardrobe excessive? Heck yes it is but it didn't get like that over night. I've put a lot of time and effort into a 10 yr part time job at Banana Republic. It's not like I went out and did this in a weekend. I stayed with Banana Republic because I enjoyed the company, I liked the clothing and it fit who I was and still am today. I was the demographic consumer for them - I just happened to work for them in addition. Let me tell you, with a discount like that, it'd be hard not to shop on a regular basis - I just did more than the average employee :-)
So, judge me if you will but there is a lot more to who I am and what I do than just a big 16' closet that happens to be organized by season, color and pattern. I've worked for that, it's mine and it's what I do best.
Feel free to email me with questions, comments or whatever you'd like to share with me.
Thanks for your time.

Thanks for the sharing the trade secrets! I have seen the closet and it is sooooooo much more than pictured and described. Just like everything Ken.
ReplyDeleteDo you ever repeat an outfit?
Thank Liz.
ReplyDeleteDo I repeat an outfit? Hmmmm, no not really. I repeat items of clothing but rarely do I wear the "same" combination. That's the nicety of accessories,, glasses and the 10 yrs at BR.